Actions Carried out
FRom 2014 TO present
2014 – 2015
- Numerous exhibitions of Camille’s photos in France but also abroad (Netherlands, Germany, Denmark)
- Participation in some conferences at exhibitions Guided visits to young students, students and students
- Interviews during these openings to make Camille, his work, his commitment, talk about the book … and always evoke those innocent people in South Sudan and Central African Republic who have suffered from the conflicts they have faced for so long – talking about the journalists who have been killed, imprisoned and taken hostage all over the world.
- A first Camille Lepage Prize awarded to Romain Laurendeau at Visa for the Image, in Perpignan last September, thanks to the sale of Camille’s book on the Central African Republic (thanks again to Jean François Leroy, Denis Cuisy and Hans Lucas) – to date, the book must be sold in 2800/2900 copies!
- Participation in APCA to ship toys and medicines to Bangui for Christmas
- Photo sales that allow, in addition, to feed the association’s accounts!
- Some nice encounters
- Numerous exhibitions of Camille’s photos in France but also abroad:
- Angers (at the Lycée Saint Martin then at the CCI of Maine and Loire), Chalonnes sur Loire, Machecoul, Saint Mathurin sur Loire, Villevêque
- Bangui in Central Africa thanks to the Alliance Française and the French Embassy in the CAR
- Turin at the Palazzo Madama «In prima linea». The exhibition will last 2 months.
- Helsinki as part of the World Press Freedom Day organized by UNESCO with the support of RSF.
- Tributes :
- At the Ministry of Culture and Communication in the presence of François Hollande, President and Audrey Azouley, Minister
- By the International Federation of Journalists and the city of Angers: exhibition, white march and inauguration of a stele/perennial of photos of Camille in the city’s media library, during the IFJ World Congress in Angers this year
- In Bayeux at the Memorial of War Correspondents (created 10 years ago by RSF) – a tribute paid to journalists killed or disappeared in the presence of family and friends.
- But also :
- A partnership with Barrobejctif that exposes, for 1 week, end of September, every year the report of the winner awarded at Visa the previous year – This year: Romain Laurendeau
- The Camille Lepage Award presented to Pauline Beugnies at Visa for the Image in Perpignan last September, thanks to the sale of Camille’s book on the Central African Republic – to date the book has sold more than 3,000 copies! This year, the award was funded by the Ministry of Culture and Communication.
- A documentary on “Four Women Photographers in Conflict Countries” was aired on March 8 (Women’s Day) on Arte – directed by Sigrid Faltin.
- Photo sales that allow, in addition, to feed the association’s accounts! Including «Christmas with Hans Lucas»: 12 prints were sold on this occasion.
- Training of a photojournalist to the risks incurred in a dangerous zone organized by the Académie France Médias Monde in partnership with Sovereign Global – this collaboration should be renewed in 2017.
- Trophée de la Vie Locale (Caisse locale du Crédit Agricole): 300€ grant for the project to supply the Camille Lepage site with information in security areas for journalists.
- Exhibitions of Camille’s photos in France and abroad:
- Angers, at the Centre Pierre Cointreau of the CCI of Maine-et-Loire during the citizens’ day
- Richer Bookshop during the signing/meeting around the book Pure colère
- Nantes: at the Hôtel du Département and at the Espace Simone De Beauvoir
- At the Château de la Gaubinière in Orvault.
- Agora (Association Fair in Angers): holding a stand and photo exhibition
- Barcelona: exhibition organised by the French Institute and the Union of french people abroad.
- Camille’s book «Pure colère» published by La Martinière: Beautiful book of 120 photos of Camille from Sudan, South Sudan and Central African Republic with forty texts from her friends/colleagues who worked with her on the ground, advised her, loved her. Moments of meetings/dedications took place in Perpignan, Bayeux, Barcelona, Angers.
- Camille Lepage Award to Visa for the image-Perpignan: partnership with the SAIF–commitment for 3 years with a participation in the award of the prize to the tune of 5000€ (out of the 8.000€).
- But also :
- A partnership with Barrobejctif that exposes each year the report of the winner awarded at Visa the previous year: this year Pauline Beugnie
- The «Camille Lepage» Prize awarded to Pierre Faure (Rise of poverty in France) at Visa pour l’image, in Perpignan last September, thanks to the sale of Camille’s book on the Central African Republic and now to the partnership with the SAIF
- Photo sales that allow, in addition, to feed the association’s accounts! Including «Christmas» and «Valentine’s Day» operations with Hans Lucas
- Participation in the auction at the Rossini gallery in Paris (2 prints sold)
- Support for the Barrobjectif association: donation of a draw in the framework of an auction for the benefit of the festival
- Pacôme Pabandji, Central African photojournalist, friend of Camille: support for his exhibition on the CAR organized in Bangui at the Alliance Française.
Adrien Lepage recalls that this year 2018 was still rich in demonstrations and actions of all kinds, including:
- Exhibitions of Camille’s photos in France and abroad:
- La Couarde sur Mer, Ile de Ré: continuation of the Grand Théâtre exhibition in Angers in 2014
- Marrakech: joint exhibition of Leïla Alaoui and Camille «fragile poetry» – this exhibition was then in Kénitra, still in Morocco, in partnership with the French Institute
- Andorra: exhibition organized by the French Institute, following the exhibition created in Barcelona in 2017
- Ginette Leroux Social Center in Trélazé, near Angers
- Vichy: exhibition held in 2014 presents again at the University Pole, during the forum «journalism and society»
- Camille’s book «Pure colère»: dedications during exhibitions (Fnac Angers …) and participation in the Salon du livre in Avrillé
- Camille Lepage Award to Visa for the image-Perpignan: partnership with the SAIF–commitment for 3 years with a participation in the award of the prize to the tune of 5000€ (out of the 8.000€).
- But also:
- A partnership with Barrobjectif that exposes each year the report of the winner awarded at Visa the previous year – This year, Pierre Faure exhibits «France périphérique»
- The «Camille Lepage» Prize awarded to Kasia Strek at Visa for the image, in Perpignan last September, thanks to the sale of Camille’s book on the Central African Republic and now to the partnership with the SAIF
- Photo sales that allow, in addition, to feed the association’s accounts! Including the «Christmas» operation with Hans Lucas
- Participation in the exhibition of cartoons «Dessiner pour pas tirer un trait» with the association Ghislaine Dupont and Claude Verlon, at the faculty of the Sorbonne
- Support of the Syndicat National des Journalistes (SNJ) during their centenary: exhibition on the gates of the city hall of Paris
- Support from the association:
- France Médias Monde and Nikon provide training on the safety of independent journalists: financial assistance to enable a journalist to take this training, which is so important for reporters working in conflict zones.
- Various meetings with high school students to evoke with them the work of Camille, her commitment, the photojournalist.
- Archiving and referencing of Camille’s photographic production: entrusted to a journalist.
- Movie «Camille»: Boris Lojkine, director of the film, explains to the participants how the shooting of the film «Camille» took place in Perpignan in September at Visa for the image, then for six weeks in the Central African Republic and finally for ten days in Angers. He explains that everything went very well in Bangui thanks in part to the local authorities who facilitated and supervised the filming on the spot. He is currently editing the film. The film is expected to be released in the second half of the year.
Exhibitions of Camille’s work in France and overseas :
- Fez, Marrakech, Kénitra (Morocco), collective exhibition with Leïla Alaoui “Fragile Poetry”, in partnership with the French Institute in Marrakech.
- Reus : Exhibition organized by The French Institute, after the exhibition in Barcelona in 2017.
- Reims : Exhibition “Fragile Central African Republic” with the charity Singuila that supports orphans in CAR‘s capital city Bangui. This exhibition also features drawings of Didier Kassai, Comics author from CAR.
- Toussaint Media Library in Angers : Exhibition “Fragile Poetry”, in attendance of Christine Alaoui, Leila’s mother, in partnership with the city of Angers.
- Dityvon Galery in Angers : Exhibition « Pure Anger » with Angers University and the city of Angers.
- Angers, AGORA charity fair : Stand and exhibition about Camille’s work.
- Strasbourg : Exhibition « Risking its life to inform”, in partnership with Amnesty International Strasbourg and the Strasbourg Europe press club.
- Collective exhibitions: with the SAIF in Arles and Paris, Hans Lucas, New York Photoville festival.
Camille Lepage Award at Visa Pour l’Image – Perpignan : in partnership with the SAIF – agreement for 3 years, with a grant of 8.000€ this year, which is the totality of the grant. The 2019 laureate is Thomas Morel-Fort for his project “Las Filipinas”.
Also :
- Paris : A square was named Ghislaine Dupont, Claude Verlon and Camille Lepage, with support from the SNJ and the administration of the 2nd arrondissement of Paris.
- A partnership with BarrObjectif festival that will show each year the winning work of the previous year laureate. This year, Kasia Streck’ work is exhibited as the 2018 laureate.
- Print sales in France and overseas, allowing us to support the association, notably the Christmas operation with Hans Lucas.
- Publications of Camille’s work : Michel Poivert ‘s book “50 years of French photography”, Polka Magazine, Trigon Magazine in Switzerland, Signis Media, Mediapart… making some incomes for the association.
- A song titled “On est ensemble” from Didier Péan is dedicated to Camille.
- Supports from the association :
- Security Training for freelance journalists with France Media Monde and Nikon : Financial support to a journalist to follow this training course so important for reporters working in war zone.
- Support to a CAR friend to allow him to get a residence permit in France, because of health issues.
- Support to the association Singuila to help a nun to come to France for an event in Reims.
- Support to a young Hans Lucas photojournalist whose entire photo gear was stolen.
- Various meetings with scholars from secondary and high school to discuss Camille’s work, her commitment, photojournalism: often with commented exhibition.
The movie « Camille » : Official release on October 16 – Many solicitations, Interviews during premieres screenings to promote the movie : Paris, Angoulème, Bayeux, Angers…
Website : Updated, with the support of Company in Angers.
This year 2020 has been very difficult for everyone.
Given the health constraints, the activities of the association have been obviously also impacted and some exhibitions and actions were canceled or postponed for 2021.
However, the association remained active throughout the year.
Exhibitions of Camille’s photos:
• Exhibition at UCO (Western Catholic University) from 3rd February 3 to 28th February – “Risking your life to inform”
• Careers fair in Angers – Faculty of Arts – January 22: beautiful exhibition during this student forum.
• Exhibition in Wigan (town twinned with Angers) from 4th of March 4 to 21th of March – “Pure Colère” exhibition
• Exhibition in Epernay from 28th January to 8th February “fragile Centrafrique” with the association Singuila and Didier Kassaï, Central African cartoonist,
• Exhibition at the “Château de Laréole”, region of Toulouse, from 3rd of July to 27th September “On est ensemble”, an exhibition at the Grand Theater of Angers created in 2014, with MAP of Toulouse and the Departmental Council of Haute-Garonne.
Camille Lepage award to Visa pour l’image – Perpignan: partnership with SAIF – commitment for 3 years with a prize of 8,000€. Olivier Jobard is the winner of the 2020 edition for his project on a little-known path taken by migrants, crossing Ethiopia to Saudi Arabia, describing the experience of Mustafa’s family, a man he met in Aden.
But also:
• In 2020, the association has been recognized as “association of general interest” which allows donors to benefit from a tax exemption and on the other hand, the association receives more and larger donations. A campaign was carried out in this direction at the end of the year.
• Book “Centrafrique – On est ensemble”: reissue of the book by CDP Edition, a big thank you to Denis Cuisy for his support
• Sponsorship of the 2019/2021 school year of the preparatory class of the Lycée Bergson in Angers.
• Photo sales, which also help to support the association; including the “Christmas” operation with Hans Lucas.
• Publications, articles, interviews about Camille’s work and on the life of the association: review “People and nature” in June, article in the book “Les femmes rebelles” in September, article in the magazine “Julie” in March, a special “Central African Republic” in the “gazette of the Lycée Saint Benoit” in June, a portfolio about Camille on the blog of journalist Thierry Buisson in April, ITW at “Radio G” by Loic Doin in June, ITW in “Angers my city”on 8th of March for International Women’s Right Day,
• Meetings or interviews with students as part of their work (report, dissertation, group work).
• Reporters Without Borders (RSF) press release on the 12th of May, date of Camille’s death.
• Support from “Crédit Agricole” for several years: subsidy and donation (creation of the website, purchase of frames for exhibitions): a great local partner.
Support from the association:
• Security training in conflict zones for freelancers provided by “France Médias Monde” and “Nikon”: financial support for three journalists to enable them to follow this training which is very important for reporters working in war zones.
• Aid to the Singuila association for “la goutte de lait” orphanage in Bangui.
• Donation of a print to the “Fondation de France” in connection with the AP-HP and the Institut Pasteur: “Photographers united against the Covid” operation, more than 100,000 € collected during this collective sale.
• Donation to “Avocats Sans Frontières” (ASF) as part of a Covid action to help the most deprived.
“Camille” movie: participation in the promotion of the movie in Martinique in January 2020.
Website: regularly updated by an Angevin member, Patrick Bellavoine.
This year 2021 was again very difficult for many.
Given the health constraints, the activities of the association have obviously been impacted as well and some exhibitions and actions have been canceled or postponed to 2022.
However, the association remained active throughout the year.
- Exhibitions of Camille’s photos :
• “Galerie Imag’in Art in Saintes”, “Pure colère” from the 19th of May until the 10th of July.
• “BarrObjectif”: exhibitions by Olivier Jobard and Thomas Morel-Fort (2020 and 2019 winners of the “Camille Lepage” prize at Visa)
• “Lycée David d’Angers” : “Pure colère” exhibition from 8th of March until the 2nd of April – meetings between teachers and students.
• “Atout-Sud Photo Festival” in Rezé from 16th of September until the 16th of October collective exhibition of women photographers “women’s eye” – Sudan/ South Sudan
• “Lycée Saint Joseph” in Ancenis from 15th of November until the 10th of December. : film, then exhibition with high school students and teachers on the 19th of November – Sudan/ South Sudan
• “National School of Magistracy” (ENM) in Bordeaux: from 29th of November to 23rd of December – exhibition as part of the magistrates meeting of the Special Criminal Court (CPS) of Bangui and the International Criminal Court (ICC) – exhibition about Central African Republic – conference, opening on the 2nd of December.
- Camille Lepage Prize at Visa pour l’image – Perpignan: partnership with SAIF – commitment for 3 years with a grant of 8,000€. Ana Maria Arevalo Gosen is the 2021 winner: Venezuelan photojournalist with her project about the conditions of detention of women in Latin America and Guatemala. This year, Olivier Jobard, winner in 2020, was exhibited at the “Couvent des Minimes” in Perpignan during the festival. The jury met at the UPP in Paris on the 24th of June.
- But also:
• Photo sales which also help to support the association; including the “Christmas Promotion” operation with Hans Lucas,
• Publications, interviews about Camille’s work and on the life of the association: In April, article in the magazine “Vieilles rue – jeune Cité” – promotional article about the association in the magazine “Like” – Podcast about the association and Camille “l’émission humanitaire”
• On the 14th of April, online debate after the screening of the film with students and public from Novosibirsk, via the French alliance – simultaneous translation!
• Meetings with students as part of their work (report, dissertation, group work).
• Monday 3Rd of May: World Press Freedom Day: involvement in the demonstration for the truth about the murders of journalists: with the “Syndicat National des journalistes » (SNJ) and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) on the “Ghislaine Dupont, Claude Verlon, Camille Lepage place” in Paris.
• Press release by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) on the 12th of May, date of Camille’s death.
• Book “Centrafrique – On est ensemble”: Receipt of 300 copies of the 2nd edition by CDP Editions.
- Support from the association:
Considering that the training for security in conflict zones for freelance journalists provided by “France Médias Monde” and Nikon didn’t take place this year in Bayeux, the Board of Directors has decided to allocate for this year the amount provided for other support:
– to the “Singuila association” for “La Goutte de lait” orphanage in Bangui,
– to Lawyers Without Borders (ASF),
– to Reporters Without Borders (RSF),
– to the “Catherine-et-Michel-Parisel” association which has created and manage a school (for the poorest children) since 20 years in Bossangoa in the Central African Republic.
- Website: regularly updated with an Angevin member, Patrick Bellavoine.
This year 2022 has been rich in events for the association, after these 2 previous years disrupted by health constraints related to the pandemic.
Exhibitions of Camille’s photos :
– IRCOM (regional institute of communication at Les Ponts de Cé): exhibition during the solidarity congress on the theme “training in peace practices” on February 18.
– La Flèche : screening of the film and exhibition “Pure colère”, from May 7 to 25.
– City of La Ménitré : in connection with an association in Burkina that celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2022: exhibition, film, conference… May 20 to June 15.
– Tangier (Morocco) at the Galerie Delacroix: exhibition of Leila Alaoui and Camille “A fragile poetry” thanks to the French Institute and the foundation of Leila Alaoui from May 19 to June 30.
– Ancenis : cinema Eden3 and Lycée Saint Joseph: exhibition “Pure colère” from November 21, 2022 to January 12, 2023 and screening of the film “Camille” with high school students, teachers and the public.
- Camille Lepage Prize at Visa pour l’image – Perpignan: partnership with SAIF with a prize of €8,000. Rebecca Conway is the 2022 winner: English photojournalist with her project on the impact of the civil war on mental health in Sri Lanka. This year, Ana Maria Arevalo Gosen, 2021 winner, was exhibited at the « Couvent des Minimes » in Perpignan during the festival. The jury met in Paris at the UPP on 24 June.
But also :
– A giant portrait of Camille made by the artist AL1 in March: exhibited in Angers (Monplaisir district on building facades) with 5 other “remarkable women of Anjou”.
– Saint Benoit Institution in Angers (college and high school of Camille): inauguration of the new amphitheater named “Camille Lepage” with a permanent exhibition in the hall of the amphitheater and an ephemeral exhibition in the passage Foch.
– College “Camille-Lepage” in Loireauxence : inauguration on November 9 of this new college and the exhibition “pure colère”.
– “In the name of women” : collective exhibition of 19 remarkable women from Angers, including Camille; Following a directory produced by the Jeune Chambre économique d’Angers, this exhibition is itinerant.
– Sales of photos that also support the association; including the “Christmas Promotion” operation with Hans Lucas.
– Publications, interviews on Camille’s work and on the life of the association: including “graine de photographes”, magazine “je bouquine” …
– Bangui, at the House of Memory: Tribute to Camille on March 8, International Women’s Day.
– Monday 3 May : World Press Freedom Day : participation in the demonstration for the truth about the murders of journalists: with the National Union of Journalists (SNJ) and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) on the square “Ghislaine Dupont, Claude Verlon, Camille Lepage” in Paris.
Press release issued by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) on 12 May, the date of Camille’s death.
- Supporters & partners of the association :
– Exceptional aid paid to RSF to support journalists in Ukraine: purchase of helmets and bulletproof vests.
– Security training in conflict zones for independent journalists provided by France Médias Monde and Nikon took place this year in Bayeux.
– Association Singuila for the orphanage “la goutte de lait” in Bangui.
– Avocats Sans Frontières (ASF).
– A “Catherine-et-Michel-Parisel” association for the school she manages in Bossangoa, CAR.
- Website : updated regularly with an Angevin member, Patrick Bellavoine.
This year 2023 has been another year full of events for the association.
- Exhibitions of Camille’s photos:
– Libé: collective exhibition of a certain number of photojournalists at the National Archives in Paris as part of the 50 of LIBE “50 years in the eye of LIBERATION” – from November 7, 2023 to February 18, 2024. A book covering these 50 years of Libération was published: 2 photos of Camille were included in this magnificent work.
– Pierre Cointreau Campus of the CCI of Maine et Loire: “Pure anger” exhibition on the theme of “women’s commitment” from October 3 to November 23 – at the same time “In the name of women” exhibition.
– “In the name of women”: collective exhibition of 19 remarkable women from Angers, including Camille; Following a directory produced by the Young Economic Chamber of Angers. This exhibition is traveling: in February at the Domitys senior residence, in March during International Women’s Rights Day on Place du Ralliement and at the Pierre Cointreau Campus at the same time as Camille’s exhibition “Pure anger” in October/ november.
- Camille Lepage Prize at Visa pour l’image – Perpignan: partnership with SAIF with a prize fund of €8,000. Cinzia Canneri is the 2023 winner for her reporting project on violence inflicted on women in Tigray and Eritrea, in times of conflict or peace. It will study the medium and long term consequences of this violence on their lives and their prospects for a better future. The jury met in Paris at the SAIF on June 21.
- But also:
– Saint Benoit Institution in Angers (Camille’s middle and high school): production of a video retracing through interviews: Who was Camille? Why is this amphitheater named “Camille Lepage”? How was this amphitheater born within the Saint-Benoît school complex? directed by Baptiste Mercier with Arthur Beucher and Lucas Paillat.
– In Cholet, in November, screening of the film “Camille” with young people from the MFR de la Bonnauderie – followed by an exchange.
– Pierre Cointreau Campus of the CCI of Maine et Loire: during the opening of the Pure Anger exhibition in October and November the amphitheater was named “Camille Lepage”.
– Inauguration on September 19, 2023 of the independent graphic design workshop, UME, managed by Lucile Misandeau and Véronique Racineux: A portrait of a South Sudanese model was exhibited for this event.
– Photo sales which also allow us to support the association; including the “Christmas Promotion” operation with Hans Lucas.
– Bangui, Central African Republic: a photography internship promotion called “Camille Lepage”, on March 17, 2023.
– Wednesday May 3, World Press Freedom Day: participation in the demonstration for the truth about the assassinations of journalists: with the National Union of Journalists (SNJ) and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) on the “Ghislaine” square Dupont, Claude Verlon, Camille Lepage” in Paris.
– Press release from Reporters Without Borders (RSF) on May 12, the date of Camille’s death.
– BarrObjectif exhibits each year the winner of the Camille Lepage Visa prize for image from the previous year, in partnership with the association “Camille Lepage – On est ensemble”. Rebecca Conway is the winner of the 2022 Camille Lepage prize at Visa pour l’image in Perpignan. His report focuses on the consequences of the civil war on mental health in Sri Lanka. Maryvonne Lepage was part of the jury to select the exhibiting photographers in September 2023.
- Supports from the association:
– Reporters Without Borders (RSF),
– Singuila Association for the “drop of milk” orphanage in Bangui,
– Lawyers Without Borders (ASF),
– Association “Catherine-et-Michel-Parisel” for the school it manages in Bossangoa in CAR.