
Camille Lepage Prize 2024 – Visa pour l’image, international photojournalism festival – Perpignan

Camille Lepage Prize 2024 – Visa pour l’image, international photojournalism festival – Perpignan Contactez-nous

The winner of the 2024 award is Virginie Nguyen Hoang / Collectif Huma, who will now be able to continue her work in Ukraine, reporting on the effect of the war on Diana, a young girl in Kharkiv living alone with her grandfather, and soon to reach her teenage years.

For the eighth time, the collecting society la Saif* is supporting the award (€8,000) which provides backing and encouragement for a photojournalist committed to a long-term project.

*La SAIF, the French collecting society for original authors of visual work in architecture, design, drawing, 3-D work, illustrations, cartoons/comics, painting, photography and sculpture.

Website « Camille Lepage » award : Visa pour l’image 2024 : click here

   The members of the jury 2024.


Growing up, too fast, in Kharkiv

First thing in the morning, Diana puts on make-up before meeting up with friends in the neighborhood.  She is only 11, but is already behaving like a teenager.  Kharkiv, May 13, 2023.

© Virginie Nguyen Hoang / Collectif Huma

Winner of the 2024 Camille Lepage Award, with support from la Saif