ÉCOUFLANT. An alley renowned for Camille Lepage, photojournalist who died in 2014

A tribute was paid to Camille Lepage, photojournalist who died in 2014 in the Central African Republic, Friday June 7. In the presence of Grégory Blanc, senator, Jean-François Raimbault, Jeanne Behre Robinson, departmental advisors, Roselyne Bienvenu, vice-president of Angers Loire Métropole (ALM) and Jean-Luc Poidevineau, 1st deputy, an alley of Écouflant was named in his name.
We must pay tribute to her commitment, Camille has not disappeared, she has left us. By deciding alone to cover these war zones, she paid with her life for having reported on conflicts that received too little media coverage. This alley honors his commitment, declared Jean-Luc Poidevineau.
Camille opened our eyes to the sadness that reigns in certain regions of the world. Walking this alley questions us about the fundamental values that must be defended, explains Mayor Denis Chimier.
In addition to the installation of eight panels along the aisle, the tribute continued with an exhibition of 70 photos taken by Camille Lepage in Sudan and the Central African Republic. Clichés, each stronger than the other. It was Odile Pichon, culture assistant, who opened the opening with these words: “It is always the civilians who suffer from violence, it is the humanitarians who do their best and it is the journalists who take all the risks . “This tribute touches me enormously, thank you for continuing to talk about Camille in the present tense,” concludes Maryvonne Lepage, her mother.
Maryvonne Lepage, avec les élus, coupe le ruban tricolore à l’entrée de l’allée Camille-Lepage, vendredi 7 juin. | CO