Visa pour l’image 2023 : Cinzia Canneri, winner of the 2023 Camille Lepage award

- The winner of Camille Lepage award 2023 is Cinzia Canneri :
For the seventh time, the collecting society la Saif* is supporting the award which provides backing and encouragement for a photojournalist committed to a long-term project.
The members of the jury met on June 21st in Paris.
The winner of the 2023 award is Cinzia Canneri, who will continue her work reporting on violence inflicted on women in Tigray and Eritrea, in times of conflict and peace. She will investigate the medium and long-term consequences of the violence on both their lives and their prospects for a better future.
This prize will be awarded during the screening evening of thursday, September 7, 2023 at the Campo Santo.
Website « Camille Lepage » award : Visa pour l’image 2023 : click here
The members of the jury met on June 21st in Paris.
The winner of Camille Lepage award 2023 is Cinzia Canneri (on the right on the above picture)
Her work reporting on violence inflicted on women in Tigray and Eritrea