Exhibition “In the name of women – portraits of inspiring Angevins”, by the artist AL1

As part of the month of equality of the City of Angers (from March 2 to 31, 2022) and in partnership with the artist AL1, giant portraits of women who have marked Anjou are exhibited on walls in the Monplaisir district.
Seven personalities emblematic of the history, development and reputation of the city were thus chosen by the City of Angers and the inhabitants of the Monplaisir district from a digital directory produced by the Junior Economic Chamber 49 Femmes remarquables d’Anjou.
Camille LEPAGE, photojournalist
Claude CHAUVIERE, woman of letters
Virginie GUYOT, fighter pilot
Pascaline LEPELTIER, sommelier
Claire SUPIOT, high-level athlete
Marie TALET, resistant