Fashion Week

Jazeera hopes to become a professional model. People around her have been telling her that she has the perfect body to start modeling. Following her relatives’ advice, this fashion show is a first for her.

The living room is turned into a modeling studio. Designers, organizer, models work together on finding the best outfit for each of them.

The organizer, Akuja de Garang, asked the models to her house to take part in the casting. One of the bedrooms is used as a workshop and a changing room.

A lot of the young models have for live example Alek Wek, the international top model who was the first black model to be on the cover of Vogue. They see in her a way to become internationally known, and have a different lifestyle.

On the day of the event, models wait until the last minute to get their hair and make up done.

A mannequin patiently waiting his turn to scroll, worried

South Sudanese professional and amateur models gather to be cast to participate in a catwalk at Festival for Fashion and Peace (FFPA) in Juba, South Sudan.

A model wears the traditional Dinka beads for the show. This outfit is worn by the bride and her relatives for the wedding. Each piece represent 3 weeks of work. The Dinka are the majority tribe in South Sudan.

By the entrance of the fashion show, one and a half hour late, the public is waiting for them to come in.

Akuja didn’t have the budget to build a stage, therefore, they put compressed cardboard on the sandy soil and covered it with a red carpet.

The mannequin, in traditional Shilluk dress, is waiting for his turn. Between two passages, the models have only a few minutes to change. The models wait outside the tukul, which is used as a catwalk

The catwalk will take place in a bar and under a big toukoul where expats are used to party on Saturday night. The models are waiting outside the toukoul transformed into catwalk.

During the rehearsals, the models were trained to walk, pose and behave well by Eva Lopa, a South Sudanese professional model working in Malaysia.

Jazeera hopes to become a professional model. People around her have been telling her that she has the perfect body to start modeling. Following her relatives’ advice, this fashion show is a first for her.
les livres de Camille Lepage
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